The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court consists of the Court of Appeal and the High Court and exercises such jurisdiction, powers and authority as may be conferred upon those courts respectively by the Constitution or any other law. The Supreme Court is also a superior court of record with all the powers of such a court.
The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is exercised in accordance with numerous enactments, Rules of Court and Practice Directions.
Some of the main enactments include: the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, Cap. 117 A; the Criminal Appeal Act, Cap. 113A; the Criminal Procedure Act, Cap. 127; the Evidence Act, Cap. 121; the Indictments Act, Cap. 136; the Juries Act, Cap. 115B; the Penal System Reform Act, 1998 (as amended); the Bail Act, Cap. 122A; the Family Law Act, Cap. 214; the Status of Children Reform Act, Cap. 220; the Minors Act, Cap. 215; the Adoption Act, Cap. 212; the Administrative Justice Act, Cap. 109B; the Accident Compensation (Reform) Act, Cap. 193A and the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, Cap. 205.
Some of the main Rules governing the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court include: the Supreme Court (Civil Procedure) Rules, 2008; the Family Law Rules 1982, (as amended) and the Bail Rules, 2000. A number of Practice Directions have also been issued which are available on this website.