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Subsidiary Legislation of Barbados
Consolidated Laws
Subsidiary Legislation of Barbados
National Insurance and Social Security (Benefit) Regulations, 1967 Cap47'B
Administrative Justice Judicial Review (Application) Rules, 1983 Cap109B'A
Adoption Regulations, 1986 Cap212'A
Agricultural Holdings (Option to Purchase) (Fees) Regulations, 1985 Cap221'A
Agricultural, Diagnostics and Other Services (Fees) Order, 2005 Cap252A'A
Airline Service Business Tax (Rate of Tax) Order, 1980 Cap59A'A
Airport Service Charge (Exemption) Order, 1967 Cap59'C
Airport Service Charge (Exemption) Order, 1975 Cap59'A
Airport Service Charge (Exemption) Order, 1976 Cap59'B
Airport Service Charge (Exemption) Order, 1994 Cap59'D
Airports (Fuel Charges) Order, 1988 Cap58A'A
Airports (Miscellaneous Fees) Regulations, 1982 Cap285A'A
Airports (Parking of Motor Vehicles) Regulations, 1980 Cap285A'B
Airports (Rental Offices Fees) Regulations, 1983 Cap285A'D
Airports Regulations, 1970 Cap285A'C
Anglican Church (Date of Disestablishment) Order, 1969 Cap375'A
Animals (Diseases and Importation) (Anthrax) Regulations, 1951 Cap253'A
Animals (Diseases and Importation) (Epizootic Abortion) Regulations, 1951 Cap253'B
Animals (Diseases and Importation) (Foot and Mouth Disease) Regulations, 1952 Cap253'E
Animals (Diseases and Importation) (Importation Control) Regulations, 1961 Cap253'F
Animals (Diseases and Importation) (Rabies) Regulations, 1951 Cap253'C
Animals (Diseases and Importation) (Swine Fever) Regulations, 1951 Cap253'D
Archives (Records Management) Regulations, 2008 Cap19B'A
Arts and Sport Promotion Fund Regulations, 2006 Cap39'A
Bail Rules, 2000 Cap122A'A
Bankruptcy Rules, 1928 Cap303'A
Banks (Tax on Assets) Order, 2006 Cap59B'A
Barbados Citizenship (Application to Commonwealth Countries) Order, 1969 Cap186'A
Barbados Citizenship (Registration of Births and Deaths Abroad) Regulations, 1977 Cap186'B
Barbados Citizenship Regulations, 1967 Cap186'C
Barbados Community College (Qualifications For Admission) Order, 1972 Cap38'A
Barbados Harbours Regulations, 1961 Cap285B'A
Barbados Marketing Corporation (Officers Travelling Allowances) Regulations, 1965 Cap255'A
Barbados National Standards Institution (Certification Marks) Regulations, 1982 Cap325A'A
Barbados Port Authority (Proceeds of Sale Rate of Appointment) Order, 1990 Cap285B'B
Barbados Port Authority (Tariff Book of Dues and Charges) Regulations, 1987 Cap285B'C
Barbados Port Authority (Water-Sports) Regulations, 1990 Cap285B'D
Barbados Port Authroity (Water-Sports) Regulations, 1990 Cap285B'E
Barbados Telephone Company Order, 1977 Cap274'A (Spent)
Barbados Water Authority (In-House Installations) Regulations, 1982 Cap274A'A
Barbados Water Authority (Sewage) Regulations, 1982 Cap274A'D
Barbados Water Authority (Water Services) Regulations, 1982 Cap274A'B
Barbados Water Authority (Water and Sewage Rates) Regulations, 1982 Cap274A'C
Betting and Gaming Duties Regulations, 1979 Cap60'A
Broadcasting Regulations, 2000 Cap274B'A
Cap117'AA - Chapter no longer related to this title
Caribbean (Caricom Enterprises) Regulations, 1991 Cap14B'A
Caribbean Court of Justice (Appellate Jurisdiction) Rules, 2005 Cap117'A
Cemeteries Regulations, 1999 Cap39C'A
Central Bank of Barbados (Interest Payable of Deposits) Notice, 2001 Cap323C'C
Central Bank of Barbados (Liquid Assets Ratio) Notice, 2001 Cap323C'B
Central Bank of Barbados (Rates of Exchange Foreign Currencies) Notice, 1977 Cap323C'A
Change of Name Regulations, 1985 Cap212A'A
Child Care Board (Private Child Care Centres) Regulations, 1986 Cap381'A
Child Care Board Regulations, 1985 Cap381'B
Civil Aviation (Aerial Work) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'I
Civil Aviation (Air Navigation Services) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'L
Civil Aviation (Air Operator Certification and Administration) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'B
Civil Aviation (Aircraft Operations) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'C
Civil Aviation (Airport Certification) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'J
Civil Aviation (Airworthiness) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'D
Civil Aviation (Approved Maintenance Organisation) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'H
Civil Aviation (Aviation Security) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'E
Civil Aviation (Aviation Training Organisation) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'K
Civil Aviation (Delegation of Powers) Order, 2008 Cap288B'O
Civil Aviation (Foreign Operator) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'F
Civil Aviation (General Application and Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'A
Civil Aviation (Instruments and Equipment) Regulations, 2007Cap288B'G
Civil Aviation (Licensing of Air Services) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'N
Civil Aviation (Registration of Aircraft and Aircraft Mortgages) Regulations, 2007 Cap288B'M
Co-operative Societies Regulations, 2008 Cap378A'A
Codrington Trust (Management of Codrington Estate and Codrington College) By-Laws, 1986 Cap244'A
Community Legal Services (Tariff of Fees) Regulations, 2000 Cap112A'A
Companies (Exemption) Order, 1997 Cap308'B
Companies (Take-Over Bid) Regulation, 2002 Cap308'C
Companies Regulations, 1984 Cap308'A
Condominium (Registration Fees) Order, 1982 Cap224A'A
Constitution (Casual Employees) (Disciplinary Procedure) Rules, 1975 Constitution'A
Constitution (Delegation of Functions) (Public and Police Services) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Order, 1974 Constitution'G
Constitution (Electoral and Boundaries Commission) (Review of Boundaries) Order 2002 Constitution'F
Constitution (Security Guards) (Disciplinary) Rules, 1979 Constitution'C
Constitution (Temporary Employees) (Disciplinary Procedure) Rules, 1980 Constitution'D
Constitution (Unestablished Staff) (Disciplinary Procedure) Rules, 1980 Constitution'E
Control of Standards (Obligatory Standards Specifications) Notice, 1993 Cap326A'C
Control of Standards (Standards Specifications) Order, 1994 Cap326A'D
Control of Standards Order, 1982 Cap326A'A
Control of Standards Regulations, 1982 Cap326A'B
Copyright (Phonograms Convention) Order, 1994 Cap300'B
Copyright (Prohibited Imports) Regulations, 2004 Cap300'E
Copyright (Rome Convention) Order, 1994 Cap300'C
Copyright (Sound Recording Remuneration) Order, 1994 Cap300'D
Copyright (Universal Copyright Convention) Order, 1985 Cap300'A
Copyright Tribunal Regulations, 2004 Cap300'F
Cremation Regulations, 1999 Cap40'A
Crematorium (Operating Standards) Regulations, 1999 Cap40'B
Criminal Appeal Rules, 1983 Cap113A'A
Customs (List of Prohibited and Restricted Imports and Exports) Order, 1962 Cap66'N
Customs (Petroleum Products Bulk Storage) Regulations, 1955 Cap66'H
Customs (Rates of Exchange) (No.3) Notice, 2008 Cap66'P
Customs (Transit Goods) Regulations, 1984 Cap66'K
Customs (Warehouse Rent and Charges) Notice, 1970 Cap66'M
Customs (Warehousing of Goods) Notice, 1975 Cap66'L
Customs Drawback of Duties (Constructional Equipment) Regulations, 1965 Cap66'B
Customs Drawback of Duties (Containers for Locally Produced Rum) Regulations, 1964 Cap66'D
Customs Drawback of Duties (Containers) Regulations, 1964 Cap66'C
Customs Drawback of Duties (Imported Tobacco used in the Manufacture of Blended Tobacco or Smoking Tobacco for Export) Regulations, 1982 Cap66'E
Customs Drawback of Duties (Locally Manufactured Cigarettes) Regulations, 1982 Cap66'F
Customs Drawback of Duties (Locally Manufactured Crown Corks) Regulations, 1967 Cap66'G
Customs Drawback of Duties (Polypropylene Bags) (Sugar Industry) Regulations, 1973 Cap66'I
Customs Drawback of Duties on Sale of Goods to Tourists Regulations, 1958 Cap66'J
Customs Duties Dumping and Subsidies (Dumping and Subsidies) Order, 1996 Cap67'A
Customs Regulations, 1963 Cap66'O
Defence (Barbados Defence Force Reserve) Regulations, 1981 Cap159'A
Defence (Board of Inquiry) Rules, 1984 Cap159'B
Defence (Certificates of Arrest and Surrender of Deserters and Absentees) Regulations, 1984 Cap159'C
Defence (Custody of Persons Found Insane) Regulations, 1984 Cap159'D
Defence (Decorations) Regulations, 1985 Cap159'E
Defence (Field Punishment) Regulations, 1984Cap159'F
Defence (Imprisonment and Detention) Regulations, 1984 Cap159G
Defence (Miscellaneous) Regulations, 1981 Cap159'H
Defence (Officers) Regulations, 1979 Cap159'I
Defence (Pension) Regulations, 2007Cap159'N
Defence (Rate of Pay, Loans and Allowances) Regulations, 1997 Cap159'J
Defence (Regular Force Enlistment and Service) Regulations, 1979 Cap159'K
Defence (Summary Jurisdiction) Regulations, 1981 Cap159'M
Defence Rules of Procedure, 1984 Cap159'L
Dental Registration (Technician) Rules, 1976 Cap367'B
Dental Registration Rules, 1973 Cap367'A
Deposit Insurance (Contribution and Premium Percentage) Order, 2007 Cap323'A
Deposit Insurance (Insured Limit) Order, 2007 Cap323'B
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Caribbean Tourism Research Centre) Order, 1976 Cap18'A
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Commonwealth Caribbean Regional Secretariat) Order, 1972 Cap18'B
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Commonwealth Secretariat) Order, 1969 Cap18'C
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (European Communities) Order, 1976 Cap18'D
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Exemption from Land Tax) Order, 1978 Cap18'E
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Exemption from Property Transfer Tax) (Canada) Order, 1979 Cap18'F
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Exemption from Stamp Duty) Order, 1967 Cap18'G
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Exemption from Taxes, Fees and Duties) (China) Order, 1982 Cap18'H
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Exemption from Taxes, Fees and Duties) (United Kingdom) Order, 1983 Cap18'I
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) Order, 1996 Cap18'J
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) (Immunities and Privileges) Order, 1992 Cap18'Y
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (International Civil Aviation Organisation) Order, 1949 Cap18'K
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (International Labour Organisation) Order, 1949 Cap18'O
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (International Refugee Organisation) Order, 1949 Cap18'P
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (International Telecommunication Union) Order, 1955 Cap18'Q
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Latin American Energy Organisation) Order, 1976 Cap18'R
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Organisation of American States) Order, 1975 Cap18'S
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) Order, 1949 Cap18'U
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (United Nations and International Court of Justice) Order, 1949 Cap18'T
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Universal Postal Union) Order, 1955 Cap18'V
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (World Health Organisation) Order, 1949 Cap18'W
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (World Meteorological Organisation) Order, 1955 Cap18'X
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the European Investment Bank) Order, 1979 Cap18'M
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture) Order, 1987 Cap18'L
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes) Order, 1981 Cap18'N
Displaced Workers Allowances (Bridgetown Harbour) Regulations, 1961 Cap343'A
Dogs (Licensing and Control) Regulations, 1982 Cap177'A
Domestic Employees (Rate of Pay and Hours of Duty) Order, 1982 Cap344'A
Drug Abuse (Prevention and Control) (Notification of Addicts) Regulations, 1993 Cap131'A
Drug Abuse (Prevention and Control) Regulations, 1993 Cap131'B
Drug Service (Publication of the National Drug Formulary) Regulations, 1990 Cap40A'B
Drug Service (Special Benefit Service) Regulations, 1986 Cap40A'C
Duties, TAxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 9) Order, 1993 Cap67B'J
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 10) Order, 1983 Cap67B'K
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 10) Order, 1991 Cap67B'KK
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 11) Order, 1983 Cap67B'L
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 13) Order, 1991 Cap67B'LL
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 2) 1988 Cap67B'V
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 2) 1990 Cap67B'FF
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 2) 1991 Cap67B'GG
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 2) Order, 1982 Cap67B'A
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 2) Order, 1983 Cap67B'D
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 2) Order, 1985 Cap67B'N
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 2) Order, 1986 Cap67B'Q
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 2) Order, 1987 Cap67B'U
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 2) Order, 1989 Cap67B'Z
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 2) Order, 1994 Cap67B'TT
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 3) 1988 Cap67B'W
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 3) Order, 1982 Cap67B'B
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 3) Order, 1983 Cap67B'E
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 3) Order, 1985 Cap67B'O
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 3) Order, 1986 Cap67B'R
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 3) Order, 1989 Cap67B'AA
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 3) Order, 1994 Cap67B'UU
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 4) 1983 Cap67B'F
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 4) 1988 Cap67B'X
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 4) 1991 Cap67B'HH
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 4) Order, 1986 Cap67B'S
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 4) Order, 1989 Cap67B'BB
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 5) 1983 Cap67B'G
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 5) 1991 Cap67B'II
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 5) Order, 1986 Cap67B'T
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 5) Order, 1989 Cap67B'CC
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 6) 1983 Cap67B'H
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 6) Order, 1989 Cap67B'DD
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 7) 1983 Cap67B'I
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) (No. 7) Order, 1991 Cap67B'JJ
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) Order, 1983 Cap67B'C
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) Order, 1985 Cap67B'M
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) Order, 1986 Cap67B'P
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) Order, 1989 Cap67B'Y
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) Order, 1990 Cap67B'EE
Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) Orders, 1992 - 2007 Cap67B'MM
Education (Partial Zoning) Order, 1996 Cap41'E
Education (Private Schools) (Extension of Time) Order, 1983 Cap41'B
Education (Programme of Adult Education) Regulation, 2002 Cap41'F
Education (Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic Board of Management) Order, 1983 Cap41'D
Education (Teacher Evaluation) Regulations, 2007 Cap41'G
Education Regulations, 1982 Cap41'C
Election Offences and Controversies Rules, 1959 Cap3'A
Electric Light and Power Order, 1981 Cap278'A
Electrical Wiremen (Licensing) (Fees) Regulations, 1976 Cap368A'A
Electrical Wiremen (Licensing) Rules, 1976 Cap368A'B
Electricity Regulations, 1965 Cap277'A
Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Appointed Day) Order, 1977 Cap346'A
Employment Exchanges (Registration and Recruitment of Workers) Regulations, 1963 Cap345'A
Engineers (Registration) Regulation, 1976 Cap368B'A
Evidence (Proceedings In Other Jurisdictions) Rules, 1981 Cap121A'A
Exchange Control (Arawak Cement Company Limited) (Exemption) Order, 1983 Cap71'C
Exchange Control (Authorised Dealers and Depositaries) Order, 1978 Cap71'A
Exchange Control (Branches and Residence) Directions, 1968 Cap71'D
Exchange Control (British High Commission) (Exemption) Order, 1985 Cap71'E
Exchange Control (Business Establishments (Purchase and Issue of Foreign Currencies) Notice, 1998 Cap71'F
Exchange Control (Caribbean Food Corporation) (Exemption) Order, 1994 Cap71'T
Exchange Control (Caricom Export Development Project) (Exemption) Order, 1990 Cap71'Q
Exchange Control (Divi St. James INC., Melton Company Limited and South Winds Hotel and Beach Club Limited) (Exemption) Order, 1986 Cap71'G
Exchange Control (Fagrinvest Limited) (Exemption) Order, 1978 Cap71'I
Exchange Control (Fees) Order, 1980 Cap71'H
Exchange Control (Intel (Barbados) Limited) (Exemption) Order, 1984 Cap71'J
Exchange Control (Qualifying Insurance Company) (Exemption) Order, 1998 Cap71'W
Exchange Control (Regional Energy Action Programme) (Exemption) Order, 1990 Cap71'R
Exchange Control (Settlements and Restrictions on Sale of Real Property) (Exemption) Order, 1968 Cap71'K
Exchange Control (Small Enterprises Assistance Project) (Exemption) Order, 1986 Cap71'L
Exchange Control (Specified Currency) Order, 1976 Cap71'M
Exchange Control (Sypher Mueller International Inc.) (Exemption) Order, 1995 Cap71'P
Exchange Control (Temporary Visitors Exemption) Order, 1968 Cap71'N
Exchange Control (Travellers) Order, 1984 Cap71'O
Exchange Control (University of the West Indies and the United States Agency for International Development Project) (Exemption) Order, 1988 Cap71'S
Exchange Control (University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus Project) (Exemption) Order, 1994 Cap71'U
Exchange Control (Wimpey Asphalt Limited) (Exemption) Order, 1995 Cap71'V
Exchange Control Authority Directions, 1981 Cap71'B
Exempt Insurance (Delegation of Functions) 1991 Cap308A'A
Exempt Insurance (Forms and Fees) Regulations, 1983 Cap308A'B
Exempt Insurance (Holding Companies Fees) Regulations, 1990 Cap308A'D
Exempt Insurance (Tax Concession) Regulations, 1986 Cap308A'C
Explosives (Sale of Dynamite) Order, 1928 Cap162'A
Expulsion of Undesirables (Carmen Bailey) Order, 1973 Cap188'A
Extradition (Designated Commonwealth Countries) Order, 1982 Cap189'A
Extradition (Forms) Regulations, 1980 Cap189'B
Factories (Fees) Order, 1985 Cap347'A
Factories (Forms and Fees) Regulations, 1984 Cap347'B
Family Law Rules, 1982 Cap214'A
Financial Institutions (Asset Classification and Provisioning) Regulations, 1998 Cap324A'A
Financial Institutions (Audited Financial Statements) Regulations, 1998 Cap324A'B
Financial Institutions (Business Transfer) (Barclays Bank PLC) Vesting Order, 2002 Cap324A'F
Financial Institutions (Business Transfer) (General Finance Corporation Limited) Vesting Order, 1998 Cap324A'C
Financial Institutions (Capital Adequacy) Regulations, 1998 Cap324A'D
Financial Institutions (Fees) Regulations, 1998 Cap324A'E
Financial Management and Audit (Financial) Rules, 1971 Cap5'B
Financial Management and Audit (Supplies) Rules, 1971 Cap5'C
Fire Service (Allowances) Regulations, 1981 Cap163'A
Fire Service (Application of Fees) Regulations, 1981 Cap163'B
Fire Service (Association) Rules, 1963 Cap163'C
Fire Service (Fees) Order, 1981 Cap163'E
Fire Service Association (Election of Committee) Rules, 1980 Cap163'D
Firearms (Licensing) (Form and Fees) Regulations, 2003 Cap179'A
Fiscal Incentives (Approved Products) Orders, 1974-1991 Cap71A'C
Fiscal Incentives (Declaration of Approved Enterprises Orders, 1975-1988 Cap71A'B
Fiscal Incentives Regulations, 1975 Cap71A'A
Fisheries (Fishing Boat Loans) Regulations, 1958 Cap391'A
Fisheries (Fishing Industry) (Safety) Regulations, 1966 Cap391'C
Fisheries (Fishing Industry) Regulations, 1952 Cap391'B
Fisheries (Management) Regulations, 1998 Cap391'D
Forensic Procedures and DNA Identification (Fees) Regulations, 2005 Cap121B'A
Gambling (Approved National Organisations) Order, 1974 Cap134'A
Geographical Indications Regulations, 2001 Cap320'A
Health Services (Anatomy) Regulations, 1984 Cap44'A
Health Services (Assignment of Public Health Inspectors to Private Businesses) Regulations, 1986 Cap44'B
Health Services (Bakeries) Regulations, 1970 Cap44'C
Health Services (Building) Regulations, 1969 Cap44'D
Health Services (Collection and Disposal of Refuse) Regulations, 1975 Cap44'E
Health Services (Communicable and Notifable Diseases) Regulations, 1969 Cap44'F
Health Services (Control of Drugs) Regulations, 1970 Cap44'G
Health Services (Control of Mosquitoes) Regulations, 1970 Cap44'H
Health Services (Control of the Use of Artificial Sweeteners in Food) Regulations, 1970 Cap44'I
Health Services (Disposal of Offensive Matter) Regulations, 1969 Cap44'J
Health Services (Domestic Animals) Regulations, 1982 Cap44'K
Health Services (Embalmers and Funeral Directors) Regulations, 1984 Cap44'L
Health Services (Food Hygiene) Regulations, 1969 Cap44'M
Health Services (Hairdressers) Regulations, 1970 Cap44'N
Health Services (Hospital Fees) Regulations, 1977 Cap44'O
Health Services (Hotels) Regulations, 1969 Cap44'P
Health Services (Institution of Court of Proceedings) Directions, 1978 Cap44'Q
Health Services (Ladymeade Reference Unit) (Fees) Regulations, 2008 Cap44'DD
Health Services (Lodging Houses and Barracks) Regulations, 1970 Cap44'R
Health Services (Notification of Births) Regulations, 1972 Cap44'T
Health Services (Nuisances) Regulations, 1969 Cap44'U
Health Services (Offensive Trades) Regulations, 1969 Cap44'V
Health Services (Pathological Laboratories) Regulations, 1976 Cap44'W
Health Services (Private Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Senior Citizens' Homes and Maternity Homes) Regulations, 2005 Cap44'X
Health Services (Psychiatric Hospital Accomodation Fees) Regulations, 1982 Cap44'Y
Health Services (Psychiatric Hospital) (Encephalograph Machine Fees) Regulations, 1989 Cap44'YY
Health Services (Restaurants) Regulations, 1969 Cap44'Z
Health Services (Rodent Control) Regulations, 1969 Cap44'AA
Health Services (Swimming Pools) Regulations, 1970 Cap44'BB
Health Services (Transportation of Human Remains) Regulations, 1969 Cap44'CC
Highways (Abandonment) Order, 1993 Cap289'A
Highways (Abandonment) Order, 1993 Cap289'B
Highways (Abandonment) Order, 2002 Cap289'C
Hire-Ourchase, Credit -Sale and Hire-Control (Equivalent Rate of Loan Interest) Order, 1977 Cap328A'B
Hire-Purchase, Credit-Sale and Hire-Control (Equivalent Rate of Loan Interest) Order,1977 Cap328A'A
Housing (General Workers Loans) Regulations, 1980 Cap226'A
Housing (Pensionable Offices) Order, 1974 Cap226'B
Immigration (Forms and Fees) Regulations, 1979 Cap190'A
Immigration (Ports of Entry) Regulations, 1976 Cap190'B
Immigration (Students) Regulations, 1979 Cap190'C
Income Tax (Caricom Agreement), 1973 Cap73'F
Income Tax (Double Taxation Relief) (Canada) Agreement, 1980 Cap73'E
Income Tax (Double Taxation, Taxes on Income) (United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and Barbados) Agreement, 1970 Cap73'G
Income Tax (International Organisations) (Exemption from Income Tax) Order, 1980 Cap73'A
Income Tax (Registered Unit Trusts) Order, 1969 Cap73'B
Income Tax (Technical Assistance Officers and Employees) (Designation) Regulations, 1971 Cap73'D
Income Tax Convention - Sweden Cap73'K
Income Tax Order, 2003 Cap73'L
Income Tax Regulations, 1969 Cap73'C
Income tax (Convention between Barbados and the United Kingdom of Norway) Cap73'J
Income tax (Double Taxation Treaty) (United States of America and Barbados) 1984 Convention Cap73'H
Industrial Designs Regulations, 1984 Cap309A'A
Insurance (Barbados Light and Power Company Limited) (Self-Insurance Fund) Regulations, 1998 Cap310'D
Insurance (Catastrophe Reserve Fund) Regulations, 1998 Cap310'C
Insurance (Forms and Fees) Regulations, 1998 Cap310'A
Insurance (Mutual Company) (Conversion) Regulations, 2002 Cap310'G
Insurance (Prescribed Securities) Regulations, 1998 Cap310'B
Insurance (Qualifying Insurance Company) Order, 1998 Cap310'E
Insurance (Qualifying Insurance) (Tax Concessions) Regulations, 1998 Cap310'F
Insurance Corporation of Barbados (Reinsurance Cessions) Order, 1982 Cap311'A
Insurance Corporation of Barbados (Reinsurance Cessions) Order, 1983 Cap311'B
Insurance Corporation of Barbados (Specified Public Property) Order, 1980 Cap311'C
Integrated Circuits Regulations, 2001 Cap320A'A
Inter-American Development Bank (Waiver of Tax) Order, 1982 Cap323B'A
International Business Companies (C.M.G. Capital Limited) (Rate of Tax) Order, 1993 Cap77'B
International Business Companies (Delegation of Licensing Powers) Orders, 2007 Cap77'G
International Business Companies (Iroquois Capital Limited) (Rate of Tax) Order, 1994 Cap77'C
International Business Companies (MCC Capital Limited) (Rate of Tax) Order, 1994 Cap77'D
International Business Companies (Rate of Tax) Order, 1998 Cap77'E
International Business Companies PRT (BARBADOS) Ltd. (Rate of Tax) Order, 1997 Cap77'F
International Business Companies Regulations, 1992 Cap77'A
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Management Authority) Notice, 2006 Cap262'A
Judges (Remuneration and Pensions) (Conditions of Service and Allowances) Regulations, 1969 Cap115A'A
Juvenile Offenders Rules, 1933 Cap138'A
Land (Adjudication of Rights and Interests) (Declaration of Registration District) (St. James) Order, 1988 Cap228A'B
Land (Adjudication of Rights and Interests) (Declaration of Registration District) Order, 1990 Cap228A'A
Land (Adjudication of Rights and Interests) (Declaration of Registration District) Order, 1991 Cap228A'C
Land (Adjudication of Rights and Interests) Regulations, 1988 Cap228A'D
Land Boundaries (Land Survey) Regulations, 1993 Cap228B'A
Land Development Duty ((Capital Gains) (Cave Hill)) Order, 1965 Cap78'B
Land Development Duty ((Capital Gains) (East Coast Road, Belleplaine to Bathsheba)) Order, 1963 Cap78'C
Land Development Duty (Approved Developers (Exemption from Development Duty) Cave Hill)) Order, 1969 Cap78'A
Land Development Duty (Rate of Duty) Order, 1984 Cap78'D
Land Development Duty (Rate of Duty) Order, 1991 Cap78'O
Land Development Duty (Special Development Area) (Airport ot West Coast Area) Order, 1991 Cap78'P
Land Development Duty (Special Development Area) (Belair, St. George) Order, 1986 Cap78'F
Land Development Duty (Special Development Area) (Cave Hill) Order, 1965 Cap78'G
Land Development Duty (Special Development Area) (Deep Water Harbour Extension) Order, 1979 Cap78'H
Land Development Duty (Special Development Area) (East Coast Road, Belleplaine to Bathesheba) Order, 1963 Cap78'I
Land Development Duty (Special Development Area) (Heywoods-Speightstown) Order, 1979 Cap78'J
Land Development Duty (Special Development Area) (Holders Land) Order, 1973 Cap78'K
Land Development Duty (Special Development Area) (Parish Land) Order, 1982 Cap78'L
Land Development Duty (Special Development Area) (Spring Garden-Fontabelle Road) Order, 1979 Cap78'M
Land Development Duty (Special Development Area) (St. Barnabas Road) Order, 1984 Cap78'N
Land Development Duty Regulations, 1965 Cap78'E
Land Registration (Suspension) Order, 1990 Cap229'B
Land Registration Regulations, 1988 Cap229'A
Land Surveyors (Examination) Rules, 1964 Cap370'A
Land Surveyors' Rules, 1985 Cap370'B
Land Tax (Levy on Under Utilized Agricultural Land) Order, 1981 Cap78A'A
Land Tax (Rate of Tax) Order, 2008 Cap78A'B
Land Tax (Rebate) Order, 1981 Cap78A'D
Land Tax (Rebate) Order, 1992 Cap78A'C
Land Tax Regulations, 1973 Cap78A'E
Land Valuation (Certification of Valuation Roll) Regulations, 1979 Cap229A'A
Land Valuation (Fees) Regulations, 1974 Cap229A'B
Land Valuation (Forms) Regulations, 1978 Cap229A'C
Land Valuation (Fresh Valuations) Order, 1984 Cap229A'D
Land Valuation (Supply of Copies of Valuation Roll) Regulations, 1982 Cap229A'E
Landlord and Tenant (Registration of Tenancise) Regulations, 1977 Cap230A'A
Law Revision (Omissions) Order, 1986 Cap2'A
Law Revision (Rectification of Moissions) Order, 1983 Cap2'C
Legal Profession (Accounts) Rules, 1973 Cap370A'A
Legal Profession (Admission to Practice) Rules, 1999 Cap370A'F
Legal Profession (Attorneys-at-Law) (Compensation Fund) Rules, 1984 Cap370A'B
Legal Profession (Attorneys-at-Law) (Remuneration for Non-Contentious Business) Rules, 1997 Cap370A'C
Legal Profession (Disciplinary Committee Reference to Court of Appeal) Rules, 1985 Cap370A'D
Legal Profession Code of Ethics, 1988 Cap370A'E
Liquor Licences Regulations, 1957 Cap182'A
Livestock (Control of Strays) Regulations, 1992 Cap139A'A
Local Loans Regulations, 1988 Cap98'A
Magistrate Jurisdiction and Procedure (Civil Procedure) Rules, 1958 Cap116'A
Magistrate's Courts (Criminal Procedure) Rules, 2001 Cap116A'A
Magistrate's Courts (Hours of Business) Order, 2006 Cap116A'C
Magistrate's Courts District 'A' Magistrate's Court (Special Court) Order, 2007 Cap116A'B
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) (Reciprocating States) Order, 1923 Cap217'A
Maintenance Rules, 1984 Cap216'A
Markets and Slaughter-Houses (Establishment) Order, 1958 Cap265'A
Markets and Slaughter-Houses Regulations, 1958 Cap265'B
Marriage (Forms and Fees) Regulations, 1979 Cap218A'A
Medical Registration Regulations, 1972 Cap371'A
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Regulations, 1983 Cap44A'A
Mental Health (Approved Homes) Regulations, 1991 Cap45'A
Mental Health (Patients) Regulations, 1989 Cap45'B
Mental Health Rules, 1984 Cap45'C
Miscellaneous Control (Control of Prices) (Motor Cars) Regulations, 1984 Cap329'D
Miscellaneous Controls (Control of Prices) (General) Regulations, 1983 Cap329'B
Miscellaneous Controls (Controls of Prices) (Drugs and Patent and Proprietary Medicines) Regulations, 1977 Cap329'A
Miscellaneous Controls (Exports Restriction) Regulations, 2004 Cap329'F
Miscellaneous Controls (General Open Import Licence) Regulations, 2004 Cap329'C
Miscellaneous Controls (Importation and Exportation of Goods) (Prohibition) Regulations, 1971 Cap329'E
Miscellanous Controls (Importation and Exportation of Goods) (Prohibition) (Radioactive Materials) Regulations, 2004 Cap329'G
Mortgage Insurance Regulations, 1966 Cap233'A
Motor Omnibus Terminals (Designation of Speighstown Motor Omnibus Terminal) Order, 1988 Cap293'C
Motor Omnibus Terminals (Designation) Order, 1987 Cap293'B
Motor Omnibus Terminals Regulations, 1986 Cap293'A
Mutual Funds (Fees) Regulations, 2000 Cap320B'A
Mutual Funds Regulations, 2002 Cap320B'B
National Assistance Regulations, 1969 Cap48'A
National Conservation Commission (Control of Horses on Beaches) Regulations, 1993 Cap393'B
National Conservation Commission (Fees) Regulations, 1983 Cap393'A
National Emblems and National Anthem of Barbados Regulations, 1976 Cap300A'A
National Insurance and Social Security (Agreement on Social Security between Barbados and Canada) Order, 1985 Cap47'A
National Insurance and Social Security (Benefits (No. 2) Order, 2008 Cap47'W
National Insurance and Social Security (Caricom Agreement on Social Security) Order, 1997 Cap47'Caricom Agreement
National Insurance and Social Security (Claims and Payments) Regulations, 1984 Cap47'C
National Insurance and Social Security (Classification) Regulations, 1967 Cap47'D
National Insurance and Social Security (Collection of Contributions) Regulations, 1967 Cap47'E
National Insurance and Social Security (Contributions) Regulations, 1967 Cap47'F
National Insurance and Social Security (Determination of Claims and Questions) Regulations, 1967 Cap47'G
National Insurance and Social Security (Employed Persons (Appointed Day)) Order, 1967 Cap47'N
National Insurance and Social Security (Employment Injury (Appointed Day)) Order, 1970 Cap47'H
National Insurance and Social Security (Employment Injury Benefit) Regulations, 1970 Cap47'I
National Insurance and Social Security (Employment Injury Claims and Payments) Regulations, 1984 Cap47'J (Error pg 19, 20)
National Insurance and Social Security (Employment Injury Insurable and Excepted Employments) Regulations, 1971 Cap47'L
National Insurance and Social Security (Employment Injury) (Prescribed Diseases) Regulations, 1971 Cap47'M
National Insurance and Social Security (Employment Injury, Determination of Claims and Questions) Regulations, 1970 Cap47'K
National Insurance and Social Security (Insurance Earnings) (No. 2) Order, 2008 Cap47'V
National Insurance and Social Security (Mariners and Airmen) Regulations, 1971 Cap47'Q
National Insurance and Social Security (Non-Contributory Old Age Pensions) Regulations, 1982 Cap47'O
National Insurance and Social Security (Persons Abroad and Voluntary Contributors) Regulations, 1967 Cap47'P
National Insurance and Social Security (Self-Employed Persons (Appointed) Day)) Order, 1970 Cap47'R
National Insurance and Social Security (Self-employed Persons) Regulations, 1970 Cap47'S
National Insurance and Social Security (Understanding on Social Security Between Barbados and Quebec) Order, 1985 Cap47'T
National Insurance and Social Security (Voluntary Pensionable Age) Order, 2007 Cap47'U
National Insurance and Social Security between the Government of Barbados and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland) Order, 1992 Cap47'UKConvention
National Petroleum Corporation (Supply of Natural Gas) Regulations, 2004 Cap280'A
National Sports Council Regulations, 1984 Cap48A'A
Nurses (Registration Fees) Regulations, 2008 Cap372'B
Nurses Rules, 2008 Cap372'A
Occupational Training Regulations, 1982 Cap42'A
Off-Shore Banking (Benefit Provision) Regulations, 1982 Cap325'A
Off-Shore Banking (Licence Fees) Regulations, 1980 Cap325'B
Ombudsman (Salary) Order, 2008 Cap8A'A
Orders-In-Council (Amendment and Revocation) Air-Navigation (Airport Charges) Regulations, 1976 Cap2A'A
Orders-In-Council (Amendment and Revocation) Carriage by Air (Colonies, Protectorates and Trust Territories) Order, 1953 Cap2A'B
Orders-In-Council (Amendment and Revocation) Carriage by Air (Non-international Carriage) (Colonies, Protectorates and Trust Territories) Order, 1953 Cap2A'C
Orders-In-Council (Amendment and Revocation) Order-In-Council (Revocation) Order, 1984 Cap2A'D
Paramedical Professions (Registration Fees) Regulations, 1976 Cap372C'A
Paramedical Professions Rules, 1976 Cap372C'B
Patents (Priority Protection) Order, 2005 Cap314'B
Patents Regulations, 1984 Cap314'A
Penal System Reform (Attendance Centre) Rules, 1999 Cap139'A
Pension (Barbados Family Planning Association) (Public Service) Notice, 1990 Cap25'E
Pensions (Barbados Agricultural Development Corporation) (Public Service) Notice, 1981 Cap25'D
Pensions (Barbados) (Overseas Officers Retirement and Compensation) Regulations, 1968 Cap25'B
Pensions (Electoral and Boundaries Commission) (Public Service) Notice, 2001 Cap25'F
Pensions (Miscellaneous Bodies) (Public Service) Notice, 1998 Cap25'A
Pensions Regulations, 1947 Cap25'C
Pesticides Control (Labelling of Pesticides) Regulations, 1976 Cap395'A
Pesticides Control Regulations, 1974 Cap395'B
Petroleum Winning Operations Petroleum Winning (Drilling and Production) Regulations, 1950 Cap281'A
Pharmacy (Authorised Sellers of Poisons) Regulations, 1986 Cap372D'A
Pharmacy (Certification and Registration of Premises) (Fees) Order, 1986 Cap372D'B
Pharmacy (Compounding and Dispensing of Drugs and Poisons) Regulations, 1986 Cap372D'C
Pharmacy (Council) (Remuneration) Order, 1985 Cap372D'D
Pharmacy (Disciplinary Procedure) Regulations, 1986 Cap372D'E
Pharmacy (Qualifications for Registration of Pharmacists) Regulations, 1986 Cap372D'F
Plant Pest and Disease (Eradication) Order, 1996 Cap266A'A
Plant Pest and Disease (Eradication) Regulations, 1985 Cap266A'B
Plant Pest and Disease (Import Control) Order, 1997 Cap266'A
Plant Pest and Disease (Import Control) Regulations, 1997 Cap266'B
Police (Association) Rules, 1961 Cap167'B
Police (Band Fees) Regulations, 1968 Cap167'C
Police (Discipline) Regulations, 1998 Cap167'E
Police (Fees for Special Employment) Regulations, 1968 Cap167'F
Police (Harbour Craft) (Movement in Carlisle Bay and the Careenage) Regulations, 1949 Cap167'H
Police (Miscellaneous Fees) Regulations, 1984 Cap167'I
Police (Promotion) Regulations, 1998 Cap167'J
Police (Traffic (Opening of Legislature)) Rules, 1965 Cap167'L
Police (Traffic) (Agricultural and Industrial Exhibitions) Rules, 1965 Cap167'K
Police (Traffic) (Races at Garrison Savannah) Rules, 1965 Cap167'M
Police (Women) Regulations, 1955 Cap167'N
Police Band (Apprentices) Regulations, 1979 Cap167'D
Police Barbados Police Force (Allowances) Regulations, 1981 Cap167'A
Post Office (British Postal Orders) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'A
Post Office (Domestic Business Reply) Regulations, 1998 Cap27A'U
Post Office (Extra Duty) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'B
Post Office (Franking Postage Meter Machines) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'C
Post Office (Hours of Business and Hours for Closing Mail for Inland Delivery) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'D
Post Office (Inland Letter Post) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'E
Post Office (Inland Parcel Post) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'F
Post Office (International Express Mail Service) (Rates) Regulations, 1998 Cap27A'G
Post Office (Letter Carriers) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'H
Post Office (Licensed Vendors of Postage Stamps) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'I
Post Office (Local Express Mail Service) Regulations, 1998 Cap27A'T
Post Office (Mail Notice Service) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'J
Post Office (Miscellaneous Services) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'K
Post Office (Money Orders) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'L
Post Office (Overseas Letter Post) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'M
Post Office (Overseas Parcel Post) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'N
Post Office (Postage Paid) Regulations, 1998 Cap27A'S
Post Office (Private Letter Box) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'O
Post Office (Surface Airlift) Regulations, 2005 Cap27A'V
Post Office (Surface Mail) (Gratuities) Regulations, 1981 Cap27A'P
Post Office (Telegraph Money Order Service) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'Q
Post Office (Uniforms) Regulations, 1980 Cap27A'R
Praedial Larceny Prevention Regulations, 1994 Cap142A'A
Prevention of Floods (Declaration of Flood Area) (Bridgetown) Order, 1979 Cap235'A
Prisons (Dodds Prison) (Boundaries) Order, 2007 Cap168'C
Prisons (Temporary Prisons) Directions, 2005 Cap168'B
Prisons Rules, 1974 Cap168'A
Private Investigators and Security Guards Regulations, 1985 Cap372E'A
Probates and Letters of Administration (Resealing) Rules, 1981 Cap247'A
Profession, Trade and Business Registration (Exemption) Order, 1979 Cap373'A
Protection of New Plant Varieties Order, 2001 Cap267'B
Protection of New Plant Varieties Regulations, 2001 Cap267'A
Public Employees Pensions (Determination of Public Service) Notice, 1971 Cap30'A
Public Employees Pensions Regulations, 1961 Cap30'B
Public Library (Juvenile Department) Rules, 1940 Cap52'A
Public Officers Loan and Travelling Allowances Regulations, 2001 Cap31'A
Public Service (General) Order, 2008 Cap29'A
Public Service (Leave Passages) Order, 1966 Cap29'B
Public Service (Part-Time Officers) Order 2007 Cap29'C
Public Service (Payment of Passages) Order, 1981 Cap29'D
Public Service (Qualifications) Order, 2001 Cap29'E
Public Service (Teachers) Order, 2008 Cap29'F
Public Trustee (Fees) Order, 1938 Cap248'A
Public Trustee Rules, 1938 Cap248'B
Quarantine (Air) Regulations, 1947 Cap53'B
Quarantine (Aircraft) Order, 1980 Cap53'C
Quarantine (Maritime) Regulations, 1947 Cap53'A
Quarantine (Visiting Officers) Order, 1965 Cap53'D
Quarries (Fees) Orders, 1985 Cap353'A
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Fees) Regulations, 2006 Cap54'A
Rate of Interest (Exemption) (No. 2) Order, 1991 Cap316'F
Rate of Interest (Exemption) Order, 1983 Cap316'B
Rate of Interest (Exemption) Order, 1991 Cap316'E
Rate of Interest (Exemption) Order, 1992 Cap316'D
Rate of Interest (Section 4 Exemption) Order, 1989 Cap316'C
Representation of the People (Expenses) Regulations, 1990 Cap12'A
Representation of the People (General Election) (Allocation of Broadcasting Time) Regulations, 1990 Cap12'C
Representation of the People (Identification Cards Replacement Fee) Regulations, 2007 Cap12'D
Representation of the People (Registration of Electors) Regulations, 1990 Cap12'B
Retail Sales Tax (Rate of Tax) Order, 1974 Cap86'B
Road Traffic (Appointment of Licensing Authority) Order, 1996 Cap295'A
Road Traffic (Car Parks) Regulations, 2000 Cap295'GG
Road Traffic (Certificate of Weight Unladen of Vehicles) (Fees) Order, 1998 Cap295'EE
Road Traffic (Drawing Up of Motor Vehicle) Order, 1994 Cap295'AA
Road Traffic (Driving Test Fee) Order, 1987 Cap295'D
Road Traffic (Exceeding Maximum Speed Limit) Order, 1994 Cap295'S
Road Traffic (Excess Passengers) Order, 1994 Cap295'T
Road Traffic (Fares and Tolls) Regulations, 1983 Cap295'B
Road Traffic (Fee for Driving Licence and Learner's Permit) Order, 1985 Cap295'C
Road Traffic (International Circulation of Motor Vehicles) (Fee for International Driving Licence) Order, 1985 Cap295'E
Road Traffic (Lighting at Night of Parked Vehicles) Order, 1994 Cap295'L
Road Traffic (Limited Trade Licence) Order, 1994 Cap295'Z
Road Traffic (Loading And Unloading of Vehicles) Order, 1994 Cap295'M
Road Traffic (Motor Vehicle Insurance) Regulations, 1985 Cap295'F
Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles) (International Circulation) Order, 1960 Cap295'G
Road Traffic (Obligatory Lights) Order, 1994 Cap295'Y
Road Traffic (Obscure Number Plates) Order, 1994 Cap295'V
Road Traffic (Obstruction of Footpath) Order, 1994 Cap295'BB
Road Traffic (Obstruction of Traffic) Order, 1987 Cap295'N
Road Traffic (Payment of Parking Charges) Order, 1987 Cap295'O
Road Traffic (Provisional Licence Fee) Order, 1994 Cap295'DD
Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Parking Places) Notice, 2000 Cap295'FF
Road Traffic (Registration Card) Order, 1994 Cap295'W
Road Traffic (Road Tax, Registration Fee and Permits) Order, 1982 Cap295'H
Road Traffic (Routes) Order, 1994 Cap295'U
Road Traffic (Security of Load on Vehicles) Regulations, 1992 Cap295'Q
Road Traffic (Spillage of Load) Order, 1994 Cap295'R
Road Traffic (Spring Garden Highway) Regulations, 1983 Cap295'J
Road Traffic (Stopping Places) Order, 1994 Cap295'CC
Road Traffic (Taxi Fares) Regulations, 1983 Cap295'K
Road Traffic (Tour Coach Fares) Regulations, 2006 Cap295'HH
Road Traffic (Traffic Sign, Road Signal or Light Signal) Order, 1994 Cap295'P
Road Traffic (Unauthorised Lights) Order, 1994 Cap295'X
Road Traffiic Regulations, 1984 Cap295'I
Sale of Poisons (Tolbutamide) Order, 1958 Cap151'A
Sanitation Service Autority (Fees) Regulations, 1971 Cap382'A
Savings Bonds Regulations, 1980 Cap104A'A
Securities Commission (Delegation of Functions) (Self-Regulatory Organisations) Order, 2001 Cap318A'A
Securities Regulations, 2002 Cap318A'B
Security of Tenure of Small Holdings Rules, 1957 Cap237'A
Service Commissions (Police Service) Reguations, 1964 Cap34'A
Service Commissions (Public Service) Regulations, 1978 Cap34'B
Service Tax Order, 1980 Cap90'A
Severance Payments (Appointed Day) Order, 1973 Cap355A'A
Severance Payments (Calculation of Maximum Basic Pay) Order, 1991 Cap355A'B
Severance Payments (Fund Contribution) Regulations, 1977 Cap355A'C
Severance Payments (Management of Fund) (Delegation) Order, 1973 Cap355A'D
Severance Payments (Pensions) Regulations, 1972 Cap355A'E
Severance Payments (Rebates) Regulations, 1972 Cap355A'F
Severance Payments (Tribunal) Regulations, 1974 Cap355A'G
Shipping (Endorsement) Regulations, 2001 Cap296'A
Shipping (Formal Investigations) Regulations, 2001 Cap296'B
Shipping (Incentives) Orders, 1987-2007 Cap90A'A
Shipping (Port St. Charles) Notice, 2003 Cap296'E
Shipping (Safe Manning, Watch-Keeping and Hours of Work) Regulations, 2001 Cap296'C
Shipping (Watersports) Order, 2004 Cap296'F
Shipping (Watersports) Regulations, 2004 Cap296'G
Shipping Corporations Regulations, 1997 Cap296B'A
Shipping Regulations, 1994 Cap296'D
Shops Order, 1985 Cap356A'A
Small Business Development Declaration of Approved Small Business Orders, 2000-2007Cap318C'A
Societies With Restricted Liability (Delegation of Licensing Powers) Order, 2007 Cap318B'B
Societies With Restricted Liability Regulations, 1995 Cap318B'A
Soil Conservation (Scotland District) (Clearing of Drains and Culverts) Order, 1959 Cap396'B
Soil Conservation (Scotland District) (Control of Livestock) Order, 1959 Cap396'A
Soil Conservation (Scotland District) (Erection of Buildings) Order, 1959 Cap396'C
Soil Conservation (Scotland District) (Planting of Sugar-Cane, Grass and Trees) Order, 1959 Cap396'D
Soil Conservation (Scotland District) Regulations, 1959 Cap396'E
Special Development Areas (Boundaries) Order, 1999 Cap237A'B
Special Development Areas (Development Period) Order, 2001 Cap237A'C
Special Development Areas Notices, 1997-2007 Cap237A'A
Spirits Regulations, 1984 Cap90B'A
Stamp Duty (Revenue Franking Machines) Regulations, 1977 Cap91'A
Storage of Petroleum (Licensing) Regulations, 1929 Cap172'A
Storage of Petroleum (Storage) Regulations, 1932 Cap172'B
Student Revolving Loan Fund Regulations, 1984 Cap54A'A
Sugar Industry (Ancillary Operations) Order, 1984 Cap270'A
Sugar Industry (Entrustment of Funds) Order, 1983 Cap270'B
Sugar Workers (Guaranteed Employment) Order, 1971 Cap359'A
Supreme Court of Judicature (Civil Procedure) Rules, 2008 Cap117A'A
Supreme Court of Judicature (Constitutional Redress) Rules, 1975 Cap117A'B
Supreme Court of Judicature (Master of the High Court) (Salary) Order, 2008 Cap117A'E
Supreme Court of Judicature (Non-Contentious) Probate Rules, 1959 Cap117A'C
Supreme Court of Judicature (Vacation) Order, 1961 Cap117A'D
Tax on Quarriable Minerals Order, 1985 Cap91A'A
Teachers (Secondary Schools) Pensions (Determination of Public Service) Notice, 1972 Cap56'B
Teachers (Secondary Schools) Pensions Regulations, 1962 Cap56'A
Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council (Loans) Regulations, 2001 Cap43'B
Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council Regulations, 1997 Cap43'A
Telecommunications (Aircraft) Regulations, 2004 Cap282B'W
Telecommunications (Amateur Radio) Regulations, 2004 Cap282B'V
Telecommunications (Call Centre) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'L
Telecommunications (Certification Standards) Regulations, 2007 Cap282B'E
Telecommunications (Citizens' Band Radio Service) Regulations, 2004 Cap282B'X
Telecommunications (Class Licence) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'J
Telecommunications (Commercial Trunked Radio-communications Network) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'O
Telecommunications (Confidentiality) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'F
Telecommunications (Customer Equipment Transition) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'R
Telecommunications (Cyber Cafe) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'K
Telecommunications (Data Communications Service) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'P
Telecommunications (Declaration of Dominance) Regulations, 2005 Cap282B'DD
Telecommunications (Delegation of Powers and Duties) Order, 2004 Cap282B'Y
Telecommunications (General Radio-Communication Station Licence) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'S
Telecommunications (Interconnection) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'M
Telecommunications (International Submarine Cable Licence) Regulations, 2004 Cap282B'Z
Telecommunications (Licence Fees) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'C
Telecommunications (Numbering) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'G
Telecommunications (Prescribed Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Apparatus) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'A
Telecommunications (Private Telecommunications Licensing) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'T
Telecommunications (Public Telecommunications Licensing) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'D
Telecommunications (Radio-Communication Ship Station) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'Q
Telecommunications (Radio-Controlled Models Licence) Regulations, 2004 Cap282B'AA
Telecommunications (Regulated Services) Order, 2006 Cap282B'N
Telecommunications (Resale) Regulations, 2005 Cap282B'CC
Telecommunications (Restriction and Prohibition) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'B
Telecommunications (Satellite Television Receiver Antenna) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'U
Telecommunications (Spectrum Management and Licensing Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'I
Telecommunications (Universal Service) Regulations, 2003 Cap282B'H
Telecommunications (Video Tape Rental Service) Regulations, 2004 Cap282B'BB
Tenantries (Control and Development) Notice, 1980 Cap239'A
Tenantries (Control and Development) Regulations, 1974 Cap239'B
Tenantries Development (Designation of Areas of Land) Order, 1984 - 1991 Cap239A'A
Tenantries Freehold Purchase (Fees) Regulations, 1985 Cap239B'A
Therapeutic Substances Regulations, 1950 Cap330'A
Tourism Development (Forms) Regulations, 2002 Cap341'A
Tourism Development Notices, 2003-2007 Cap341'B
Town and Country Planning (Fees) Regulations, 1970 Cap240'C
Town and Country Planning Development Order, 1972 Cap240'A
Town and Country Planning Directions Cap240'B
Town and Country Planning Regulations Cap240'D
Trade Marks Regulations, 1984 Cap319'A
Trade Unions (Fees) Regulations, 1982 Cap361'A
Transport Levy Order, 1987 Cap92A'A
Travel Services (Fees) Order, 1983 Cap373A'A
Travel Services Regulations, 1983 Cap373A'B
Travel Ticket Tax (Exemption) Order, 1985 Cap92B'A
Unclaimed and Undistributed Moneys (Delegation of Functions) Order, 1977 Cap93'A
Urban Development Commission Order, 1997 Cap241'A
Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules, 2003 Cap282'C
Utilities Regulation Order, 2009 Cap282'B
Value Added Tax (Appeal Tribunal) Regulations, 2006 Cap87'E
Value Added Tax (Approved Educational Institution) Order, 2001 Cap87'C
Value Added Tax (Refund) Orders, 1997-2007 Cap87'B
Value Added Tax (Remittance)Orders, 2000-2008 Cap87'D
Value Added Tax Regulations, 1996 Cap87'A
Vessels (Registration Fee) Regulations, 1982 Cap297A'A
Vital Statistics Registration (Forms and Fees) Regulations, 1981 Cap192A'A
Wages Councils (Wages Regulation) (Shop Assistants) Order, 2004 Cap362'A
Weights and Measures Regulations, 1985 Cap331'A